Below, we have a list of frequently asked questions. If you have further questions contact us at
Simply go to and either login or follow the sign-up procedure to create your account.
We have made the signing up process simple for any individual looking to access Insurercore, though you will need to ensure your company has signed up first. If you’re unsure if your Company has registered, go to and type in your Company Name in the text box on the right-panel. If your Company is not found, the process for signing up is detailed below.
If your Company does have an approved Insurercore account, you can select the Company Name from the results in the text box on the right-side of the screen and then proceed to the Individual Registration form by selecting ‘Click Here’ where prompted.
Once you have entered your details, your account will be sent for approval by your selected Administrator. You can then expect an email following their decision to approve or reject your request.
Once your company has decided to join Insurercore, you will need a person with the necessary authority to go to On the right-panel, confirm whether your Company is already on the platform by entering your Company name in the text-box, and if it is not found, select ‘Click Here’ above the text-box. You will then be taken through to our Company Registration form where you should complete all fields. Insurercore will then undertake a process of due diligence before activating the account. Please note, we will attempt to do this as soon as possible. If you have not heard from Insurercore for 24 working hours, please contact
Whilst Insurercore will work on most browsers, we recommend accessing the platform through Google Chrome.
Insurercore is completely free for all users to create their profiles and use the majority of functionality. The areas that are chargeable include Access to User and Company Data Analytics, Sponsorship of Offerings and a package to onboard all of your users and products. For further information on pricing, please email Michael Gaughan –
Insurercore is primarily available through desktop, though we are currently working our way through the platform to make some areas available on mobile devices. We anticipate creating iOS and Android Insurercore apps in 2022.
Whilst we do not offer trials at the present moment, we are more than happy to offer a free demonstration of Insurercore to you and your team. Please go to Contact and complete the short form should you want to request a demo or email us at
Your profile in full will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete, with Offerings (Products, Schemes and Services) taking a similar duration. If you run into any difficulties during the process of completing your profile or if you would like Insurercore to help with the loading of your information, please contact
If you navigate to User Settings in the top right of the screen underneath your Profile thumbnail, here you will be able to change your registered email address, your password and amend your email preferences.
Searching is easy. You will be able to execute a key word search using the search bar at the top of the screen by simply entering words and hitting Enter. The search results are then split out into Products, BIBA Schemes and Services, whilst you can also view matching Company Profiles and Users under the Profile Types tab. You can then use filters to narrow down the results.
To create or edit your Products, or Schemes and Services, you need to go to Manage/Manage Appetite in the navigation bar. With free-form text fields and drop-down selection options within each form, you can explain where you differentiate yourself from competitors as well as upload any brochures or other ancillary information that may provide further information to prospective clients. The information entered for each Offering becomes searchable on the platform through both the key word search and the advanced search filters.
At Insurercore, we didn’t want to make every field mandatory, so we leave it up to the user to add as much or as little detail as they wish, though we do recommend entering as much information as possible to help users find the Offerings to meet their needs.
When viewing Search results, a user will be able to click “Show More” and see several important items detailed, such as: Risk Appetite, Key Message, Documents and Links, Associated Users, Coverage, Maximum PML, Placing Instructions, Placement Type, Territories and ACORD standards.
Through visibility restrictions, Insurercore has added the ability to not only hide your Company and Personal Profile from certain Organisation Types (Insurers, Retail Brokers, Wholesale Brokers, MGA’s, Service Providers), but also hide the visibility of your Offerings.
Under visibility restrictions when creating or editing an Offering, you can select to restrict by Organisation Type, to people within your contacts or the contact groups you have created, or your Organisation only. Should you not wish to set visibility restrictions, the selection will default to Public, allowing all users to see your Offering. NB: Insurer profiles will not be able to see other Insurer profiles, including their Offerings.
As much as one may think they know every market out there, we all know this cannot be true. Insurercore can introduce you to new contacts and help maintain current relationships by advertising your skills, expertise and risk-appetite to the market. Any changes you have within your profile can be notified to specific users on Insurercore or the wider market. You will also be immediately updated if any of your existing markets change their appetite thanks to our saved search feature.
You can request sponsorship of your Offerings and Notifications, which will promote your items above others’. Please note, all sponsored posts and items on Insurercore will be related to insurance professionals, products, schemes or services. For further information, please contact Michael Gaughan
We pride ourselves on our product and our service but understand that from time to time an issue may arise that could lead to you wishing to submit a complaint. We take all complaints seriously and will aim to respond within 48 hours to any complaint from the time it is received.
To raise a complaint to us at Insurercore, please follow the below instructions.
By Phone: Please call Insurercore on 0203 795 3162
By Email: Please send an email raising your complaint to
By Post: Please send a letter raising your complaint to our registered address, detailed under Contact Us page
Please visit the Contact Us page in order to submit any further questions or queries to Insurercore. One of our team will get back to you.